is the café of the cosmos. The world's young at heart and curious in spirit
gather here to play with knowledge, to enjoy the arts, to connect with
the universe and its citizens while having unpredictable fun.
Kozmicafe is a magic voyage into the human
imagination, a journey across time, cultures, and ideas in a cozy, cappuccino
atmosphere that caresses the spirit. Look here for the strange, for the
enigmatic, the exciting and intriguing. Grow familiar with the unknown
and marvel at the familiar. Wander far without moving. For a little while
For we want to move you to move. We want to fill you with the energy of
wonder, and turn you towards a lifelong, lovelong exploration of time
and space. We have built the bridge, now cross it. Kozmic
is the future, café
is the past, and we provide the intellectual caffeine to experience
it all.
Kozmicafe is not merely a website; it's an
ambiance, a place to satisfy the yearnings of the sensitive, unsettled,
eternal bohemian in all our souls. Are you a cynical romantic? An ideaholic?
A wild traveler perhaps? Do you hate pretension but love to pretend? Then
stop by for a cup of cool and relax. We'll serve you well!
We hope your visit to our sample-under construction site, has given you
a flavor of Kozmicafe's intriguing menu. Come back soon for our full stream,
animated, multi-media experience.
If you are interested in investment opportunities in Kozmicafe, please
e-mail us at: kozmicafe@kozmicafe.com